The North Chelmsford Water District remains committed to protecting the quality and safety of the water you receive. Please click on the link above or below to access information about our water service line inventory program, information about the health impacts of and how to reduce lead exposure from water, a look-up tool to see what material(s) make up your water service line, and instructions to submit photos of your water service line to us if you prefer not to wait to schedule an in-person inspection. Please note: so far, all of our records and inspections indicate that we have no lead water service lines in our system. Help us make sure that you don’t, either! If you have any questions, please contact our office.

 Thank you for your participation in this important project!

News and Announcements

PFAS Update December 2021

The North Chelmsford Water District Water Treatment Facility located at 55 Richardson Road, has been doing monthly PFAS water samples since high elevated levels of PFAS Contaminants were discovered on October 11, 2020 at the Chelmsford DPW and the Chelmsford Dog park located at 52 & 54...

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Grouf’s Water Leak Services November 1, 2022

Grouf's Water Leak Services has been contracted to perform a water leak detection survey in North Chelmsford,MA. The hours of work can vary from 2:00 AM-4:00 PM. Most of the work is performed during the hours of 7:00 AM-4:00 PM , but some roads that are heavily traveled during those hours need to...

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In Office Payments

The North Chelmsford Water Distract dose NOT accept Credit Cards or Cash in the office CHECKS ONLY. Payments with cash can be made at the Lowell Five Bank on Groton Road in North Chelmsford, and Credit Cards can be used on our web-Site at Thank you

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Servicing and Painting Fire Hydrants/Minimal Flushing

The North Chelmsford Water Districts Technicians will be servicing and painting fire hydrant's along with minimal flushing on Wednesday May 26, 2021, We apologized for any inconvenience this may cause, if you have any questions please call our office at 978-251-3931. Thank you

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New Tobin Ave Sub-Division Connection

The North Chelmsford Water District has done some improvements to our water distribution system for the new sub-division connection on Tobin Ave that ties into the Highland Ave. The surrounding areas may experience temporary discoloration in the water due to the reverse flows. We apologies for any...

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Welcome to the
North Chelmsford Water District 

Our Mission

The North Chelmsford Water District is committed to providing residents with a safe reliable supply of high-quality drinking water. Your water is tested using sophisticated equipment and advanced procedures. North Chelmsford Water District meets state and federal standards.


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