Are you moving to a new location or selling your home or business? Selling your Home or Business Are you selling your home or business? Please contact the District office no later than 10 Business days to the date of closing so a Final Water Meter reading can be done. When you contact us, we will request the following information.
- Date of Closing
- Address of property you are selling.
- Buyer’s Name
- Closing Attorney’s Name, Phone, and Fax numbers
Moving Are you moving to a new location but will still own property within the North Chelmsford Water District bounds? Please remember to contact the office directly with your updated mailing address. We do not receive address updates from the Town of Chelmsford or Town of Tyngsboro. By providing your new mailing address, your bills will reach you in a timely manner helping you to avoid late fees and/or Shut-off Notices.
Summer Water Management Program Effective May 1 through October 15